A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away….Wait, wrong story, let me start over. After years and years of working 8-10 hours a day as an Automaton Developer I guess I just needed something else. Before you ask ‘what the heck is an Automation Developer’, let me finish this thought. There is a point in life where you realize that there just has to be something else right, a way to relieve some stress or just pull some of that creative juice out that’s been sitting in the back of the fridge, getting closer and closer to its expiration date. So what do you do? I give you A Thyme for Taste a perfect outlet for a former failed writer and cook.

About us..
We bought an old farm house a few years ago that was built in the mid 1800’s and sits on about 4 acres of land. While 4 acres, for some, may not seem like a lot of land I can assure you that when cutting the grass, it is a lot of land. As you would expect, anything built in the 1800’s is probably going to need a little updating and this place was certainly no exception. We have spent around 8 years now ripping out walls and ceilings, building walkways and planting trees. My last estimate had us finishing this house sometime in the year 2040.

Currently our house consist of my wife and I, our 17 year old son, a crazy golden-doodle, and even crazier cat. We live in a nice little town in northern Pennsylvania by a nice little lake. I grew up here as did my wife and while northern life for us consist of cold Falls, cold Springs, and even colder Winters, there is just something about it that makes it hard to leave, believe me I’ve tried. Maybe its the Summer months that keep us here. After all who doesn’t like oppressive humidity, ground bees, and mosquitos, the trifecta of any good time.
We both work traditional jobs and subsequently both need that ‘something else’. For me cooking has partly filled that void and for my wife crafts are beginning to take up more and more of her time; some of which we will be selling in our shopping section. I also have two wonderful step sons who have moved on but still, every once in awhile, are subject to the good the bad and the ugly side of my cooking. Don’t worry, I try to only put the good on this site.

What do you want to be when you grow up..
Back to the future.. Besides corny movie references scattered throughout most of my posts I hope to keep bringing you a mix our favorite recipes, our favorite getaways, and anything else we can thing of. Our shopping section will be opening soon as we are building inventory and our projects section will soon be filled with all kinds of fun stuff.
So what’s on the horizon? A lot of trial and error for me and unfortunately my family but our sacrifices will be your gain. Keep checking in on us every now and then, we will always be giving you our favorite experiences no matter what they are.